Our Services

Sullivan Taylor & Gumina, P.C.
1250 E. Diehl Road
Suite 400
Naperville, IL 60563
Phone: 630.665.7676
Fax: 630.665.8630
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Divorce Lawyer Raiford Palmer Gives Seminar on Divorce Agreements

DuPage County divorce lawyer Raiford Palmer recently gave a presentation entitled "Drafting Pitfalls and Tips for Family Law Agreements" before the DuPage County Bar Association as part of a Continuing Legal Education Program for lawyers.  He discussed the common problems seen in divorce agreements, including mistakes in marital settlement agreements, joint parenting agreements, and premarital or prenuptial agreements.  Marital Settlement Agreements and Joint Parenting Agreements are the key documents incorporated into divorce judgments.  These divorce documents cover all key aspects of the lives of couples in divorce and their children.  Divorce lawyers need to use the utmost care in preparing and reviewing these divorce agreements.  A lot of post-divorce court action (what family lawyers call "post-decree litigation") occurs at least in part due to vague language or the failure of an agreement to resolve an issue.  If you are involved in a divorce, be sure you understand the terms of any marital settlement agreement or parenting agreement.  If you don't understand, ask your divorce lawyer to explain.  You will have to live with the agreements for years after your divorce.